If you are not an iPhone owner, you might not know what they can do and how they can simplify life. For those who want or have an iPhone, you can learn more about it and what it can do with this article.
You do not have to be concerned about losing an iPhone anymore. The maps application is integrated into the software when you purchase the phone, and it allows you to view your location whenever you have service. Using the GPS function is a great way to get around without getting lost.
The iPhone lets you come up with your very own shortcuts and dictionary. A custom dictionary can recognize what it is you wish to say. For added efficiency, try programming your phone with your most commonly used phrases and shortcuts. The iPhone keyboard will also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.
You can download an app to allow your iPhone to upload files and save them as a storage option. With an app like this, you’ll be able to upload video, music, photo and text files to your iPhone. You can access the files right from your iPhone, or by connecting the device to a computer.
Headphone Cord
You can snap a photo using your headphone cord. The first thing you’ll want to do is line up the shot you want. Push down on the cord’s button when you are ready to snap your picture. You have now taken a photo using your headphone cord. If you want to save it, just do what you would normally do to save a photo.
If you want to use special characters in your text, the iPhone makes it easy. Here is how to find them. Touch the letter you want to change, and hold it for a bit. A box will appear with some extra keys. You can then use as many fancy symbols as you need.
Don’t forget that your iPhone is capable of displaying various types of media. You can download television shows, films or funny videos and transform a phone into an entertainment center.
Are you wondering about what you have put in iMessage? Did Auto Correct screw up your meaning again? You can easily correct the damage by simply shaking your phone. Giving your device a quick shake can help you start fresh with your message. This feature is optional, so look at your Settings in order to see if it is enabled.
If you wish to send your message or draft a note but do not want to utilize corrected words, there is no need to touch the “x” to get rid of them. You can actually tap your finger anywhere within the screen to dismiss the box.
When using Safari to browse the web with your iPhone, you don’t need to type .com to be able to reach websites. For example, if you want to visit Amazon.com, just type “Amazon” to get to the site.
You can help yourself stay organized by using the iPhone calendar. For faster and more efficient use of the tool, add events directly to the calendar rather than using your “+” button. While viewing the “Day” screen, tap and hold on a given hour to automatically insert an event at that time. By using this feature, you can quickly add all events to your schedule.
Make sure you are mindful about the apps you allow onto your phone. There are many apps available for the iPhone; some free, some for a fee. But you need to be careful because some are not what they say they are will end up taking money from you through hidden charges.
It’s easy to use your iPhone one-handed when you’re taking pictures. To do this, simply get the frame the way you want it and then press the + volume button. The picture quality is as good as when taken the traditional way.
To mark any emails on an iPhone as unread, locate that command. Find ‘Details’ on your iPhone menu and click on the unread tag for email. When you return to your email it will be marked as unread.
If you wish to stop composing a message with intentions of finishing it later, simply tap ‘Cancel’. You will receive a popup asking how you wish to proceed; one option being Save. If you hit Save, your message is saved under Drafts. If necessary, the device will create a new Drafts folder.
If you happen to be accident prone, make sure to purchase an iPhone case immediately. Should your iPhone get dropped, it may break if it is not in a case. No case prevents all accidents, but it can certainly better your iPhone’s chances of survival upon impact if you accidentally drop it.
Make sure that you do not save videos on your iPhone that you do not intend to watch again at a later time. Once you’ve viewed a video, you should see a prompt that asks you if you’d like to delete the video. This will help you free up some space on your phone.
Searching through small webpage windows on an iPhone can be difficult. Sometimes, you wind up just scrolling across the main webpage. You may want to zoom to your desired location first. Use two fingers and move them away from each other to achieve this.
With the information you have read, you have probably learned a bit about the phone, at least more than you knew before. If so, now you just need to use that information. Decide whether or not you want to purchase an iPhone. If you do, or already have one, decide what new ways you want to use it.