No matter the age or personality, people worldwide think the iPhone is the best invention yet. But, what’s so special about the iPhone? Read on for more information, including tips and tricks about how to best use the iPhone.
Dry rice can be used to dry an iPhone if it gets wet. Oftentimes, cell phones are dropped in puddles or even toilets. Rather than using a dryer, dry the phone with some paper towel and place it inside a rice filled ziploc bag. By leaving it in here for a few hours or, more preferably, overnight, you should have a dry, working iPhone.
In order to save your iPhone’s battery, decrease its brightness. You can do this by changing the brightness in the settings area of your phone to a lower level. You can save your battery and you won’t have to charge your phone as much.
When using Safari, you can make a phone call with a single tap. For instance, imagine you are looking for a dry cleaner online. When you locate the number, you do not have to type it in to call the business. Just tap on the number and you will be instantly connected to the business you want to contact.
Screen Protector
If you have an iPhone, it is important that it has a protective screen. Without a screen protector, you will scratch the face of your phone over time. Even a tiny bit of dirt on the fingertip or keys in your pocket will scratch the screen. Be sure that you always have a screen protector on your phone.
Download an app that will allow you to upload files on your iPhone and use it as a storage device. Upload photos, music or other files with the app. The iPhone will only need to be plugged into the computer to gain access to the files, or you can directly open them through the phone.
You can easily set up your email on your iPhone so that it is simple to retrieve your messages. This can be very useful in that it permits you to receive notifications with every incoming message, allowing you to read them instantly. You can pick various email accounts or even just one tagged on your phone.
If you are writing something and wish not to use the iPhone’s suggested words, forget about using the “x” to get rid of them. You can actually tap your finger anywhere within the screen to dismiss the box.
If you have an iPhone that uses Siri, but are concerned with privacy, you may want to avoid communicating with her too much. Apple records virtually all voice prompts to Siri and stores them on an internal server. This is done to aid speech recognition and secure those files, but keep in mind that anything said to Siri can be recorded.
Screenshots are a wonderful benefit to the iPhone. When you’re on the screen you want to save, hold down the home button and then tap on the sleep button. The screen goes white, and that’s how you know you have a screenshot.
Should you be looking for an audible sound for typing, look in your Sound settings and turn on keyboard clicks. By turning on the sound you will know when your phone accepts your keystrokes.
A good tip if you own an iPhone is to not get crazy with all of the apps. There are many apps available for an iPhone including free apps and those that charge money. But some are very shady and will actually take your information or send you hidden charges.
There is a shortcut that you can use to get back to the very top of a web page or list. There is not need to do that! On the top of the screen, tap the status bar; this will instantly bring you back to the beginning of the page. That works with other screens, such as iTunes lists as well.
If your iPhone freezes, do not panic. First, test the sleep or wake button. However, should this fail, press the Home key with the sleep/wake button. When held for a few seconds, they initiate a hard reset on the phone that will restore its functions.
Using Facebook with your iPhone can be a great idea. Many people enjoy the fun and social aspect of Facebook, though many do not realize how easy it is to enjoy from their iPhone.
If you run out of time when typing up an email, hit cancel. You’ll then be given the option to save your prose as a draft. Select yes, and then you can finish your email later.
You can go through your iPhone’s contact list in three distinct methods. You can tap one letter and jump to the contact, scroll through the list with your finger or just press on the list. The third technique will scroll you through the entire list quickly.
There are a few different ways you can scroll through your contacts, but one way doesn’t require flicking. Place one of your fingers on the area of the alphabetical list. Then, just move down and up to view the different ones. This can allow you to find the contact that you desire in the quickest way possible.
Are you in the habit of texting the same people every day? These numbers can be added to your favorites, so that you can have easy access to them. Through the favorite list or the recent call list, you can easily text people or place a call as needed. The arrow beside a contact is for texting them. This is one good way to see what people’s missed calls say.
The good news here is that an iPhone is really easy to figure out once you learn a few tricks of the trade. You may not have understood what was so great about them before. However, now that you’ve read this article, things should be more clear. You probably understand more why you need an iPhone.